Monday, December 12, 2011

Finished raider and larger wych pictures!

Raider finished:



Hoping to finish the Wyche squad this week, and maybe a ravager or two.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


With the cold weather hitting my construction business is pretty slow.  I've picked up a few commission pieces to keep me busy and doing something.

Here's one of them, a tzeentch lord.

Also think I've landed on a paint scheme for my Wyches -

I'll be hitting the DE hard now that I've got quite a bit of free time, will be updating more regularly.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New base ideas for the eldar

I've been wracking my brain for ways to easily differentiate between the nine 5 man squads I'll be running with my Dark Eldar list.  I was browsing some of Jim Wappels minis when I noticed a basing style he does a lot of the time on his 40k minis that basically  involves creating some sort tiled floorwork.  He often paints his minis with bases that appear like they've been ripped directly from a temple or some other really interesting groundwork.

So, here we go, my first two attempts at this style of basing.

What do ya think?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Possible design for troop venoms?

So I saw a neat little tutorial on doing starry backgrounds with an airbrush and whipped this thing out in about 5 minutes.  Obviously it's very rough around the edges, but what do ya'll think about it if I can refine it a bit?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dark Eldar Updates.

So in an effort to get this army done for Rock Con I've buckled down and started to get serious about the painting.

I've managed to finish two troop venoms (less the gunner and base) and three of the Trueborn's.

The troop venoms:

The Trueborn venoms:

And finally a group shot of everything:

With Rock Con only being 1850 points I'll be dropping my beast unit.  This will save me painting:

4 x Razorwing, 5 x Kymerae and 3 Beast masters

Bringing me to a grand total of:
25 Warriors
9 Wyches
3 Venoms
1 Raider
3 Ravagers
1 Haemonculus
1 Baron Sythrax
12 Trueborn

left to paint.  Oh, and all the riders on all the tanks as well.  So, yeah wish me luck.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Igniting the interest

A buddy of mine talked to me about starting a blog to keep track of the progress I'm making on some warhammer projects I'm currently working on.  I'll post up pictures here as I continue doing work.

My interest in painting has been re-ignited thanks to the upcoming Rock Con convention here in Rockford IL.  I'm a pretty all over the place kind of guy when it comes to painting miniatures, but it's surprising what having a deadline can do for your focus to get an army completed.  My army list is the following:

HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculi with Shattershard and Crucible of Malediction

Troop1: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop2: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop3: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop4: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop5: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop6: 9x Wyches with Haywire Grenades, 1x Hydra Gauntlet in a Raider with a Dark Lance and Flickerfield

Elite1: 4x Trueborn with 4x Blasters in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Elite2: 4x Trueborn with 4x Blasters in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Elite3: 3x Trueborn with 3x Blasters in a Dual Splintercannon Venom

Fast Attack1: 3x Beastmasters, 5x Khymerae, 4x Razorwing Flocks

Heavy Support1: Ravager with 3x Dark Lances and a Flickerfield
Heavy Support2: Ravager with 3x Dark Lances and a Flickerfield
Heavy Support3: Ravager with 3x Dark Lances and a Flickerfield

So first up, we've got a finished venom (minus the base):

I'm thinking about putting water themed bases on all of my Vehicles.  I like the idea of ocean pirate Dark Eldar.  Skimmers base size is pretty irrelevant to gameplay so I'll be able to make them a bit bigger then the standard sized flight stand.

I've finished a test model Wych, I think this is likely the scheme I'll end up with.

And finally I've got a very WIP Raider picture. 

Will post more in the next few days as I complete more stuff.