Monday, October 17, 2011

Dark Eldar Updates.

So in an effort to get this army done for Rock Con I've buckled down and started to get serious about the painting.

I've managed to finish two troop venoms (less the gunner and base) and three of the Trueborn's.

The troop venoms:

The Trueborn venoms:

And finally a group shot of everything:

With Rock Con only being 1850 points I'll be dropping my beast unit.  This will save me painting:

4 x Razorwing, 5 x Kymerae and 3 Beast masters

Bringing me to a grand total of:
25 Warriors
9 Wyches
3 Venoms
1 Raider
3 Ravagers
1 Haemonculus
1 Baron Sythrax
12 Trueborn

left to paint.  Oh, and all the riders on all the tanks as well.  So, yeah wish me luck.