Monday, September 26, 2011

Igniting the interest

A buddy of mine talked to me about starting a blog to keep track of the progress I'm making on some warhammer projects I'm currently working on.  I'll post up pictures here as I continue doing work.

My interest in painting has been re-ignited thanks to the upcoming Rock Con convention here in Rockford IL.  I'm a pretty all over the place kind of guy when it comes to painting miniatures, but it's surprising what having a deadline can do for your focus to get an army completed.  My army list is the following:

HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculi with Shattershard and Crucible of Malediction

Troop1: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop2: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop3: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop4: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop5: 5x Warriors with one Blaster in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Troop6: 9x Wyches with Haywire Grenades, 1x Hydra Gauntlet in a Raider with a Dark Lance and Flickerfield

Elite1: 4x Trueborn with 4x Blasters in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Elite2: 4x Trueborn with 4x Blasters in a Dual Splintercannon Venom
Elite3: 3x Trueborn with 3x Blasters in a Dual Splintercannon Venom

Fast Attack1: 3x Beastmasters, 5x Khymerae, 4x Razorwing Flocks

Heavy Support1: Ravager with 3x Dark Lances and a Flickerfield
Heavy Support2: Ravager with 3x Dark Lances and a Flickerfield
Heavy Support3: Ravager with 3x Dark Lances and a Flickerfield

So first up, we've got a finished venom (minus the base):

I'm thinking about putting water themed bases on all of my Vehicles.  I like the idea of ocean pirate Dark Eldar.  Skimmers base size is pretty irrelevant to gameplay so I'll be able to make them a bit bigger then the standard sized flight stand.

I've finished a test model Wych, I think this is likely the scheme I'll end up with.

And finally I've got a very WIP Raider picture. 

Will post more in the next few days as I complete more stuff.